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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 90 - March 31, 2010

When I was a kid, I remember going with my mom to K-Mart and begging her to buy me books. I was a big fan of Sweet Valley Twins and Nancy Drew back in the day, and I'd usually pick up a couple of books, come home, and read them all in one sitting. I would get yelled at for reading after I was supposed to be in bed, but I just loved it so much! As I've gotten older, I find that I read books far less than I used to. I just borrowed "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold from Heather to read, and I started a little bit of it today. She told me that it was kind of disturbing, so I didn't read too much before bed! Tomorrow, maybe I'll read a bit more...during the day!

Until Tomorrow,



  1. Same thing with me. As time has passed, it seems like I read less. I think it's because I have far less time. In the last six months my GD has really "discovered" reading for pleasure. She just can't read enough...I love seeing that!

  2. I was never much into reading until last year... i started going to the library with my mom & sister and now i thoroughly enjoy it! I have been wanting to read that one as i had seen the movie and was told that it wasn't any where NEAR as disturbing as the book... So of course that caught my interest but haven't had a chance to pick it up... SO let me know! lol
