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Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 71 - March 12, 2010

Many people think that bunnies aren't very smart - they eat food, they poop, they chew on things. Well Mac and Cheese (and Pickles to some extent) have learned that the crinkly sound of a potato chip bag means chippies! The bunnies could be out and about, doing their thing, when someone breaks out a bag of chips, and they're off to the races! They come running from everywhere to get some of the good stuff! There are times where I'll be sitting on the couch, and something crinkles, and all of a sudden I've got Mac launching himself at me for a chance to get some chips! They're pretty smart buggers, these bunnies!

Until Tomorrow,



  1. That is so adorable! When it comes to food i find that most animals can sense it! I love Mac launched himself at you lol

  2. I agree, they are very smart. In fact, they foil my every attempt to keep them out of my back yard! So, now we just share...
    We plant, they eat!
