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Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 92 - April 2, 2010

Tonight, Eric and I went over to visit with the Berrys for dinner and game night. Every so often, we all get together and it's always a blast! Tonight, we did make your own taco/burritos. In my opinion, any kind of "make your own" food night is always fun! I noticed on the windowsill of their kitchen this really neat plant that looked like (and may be, but I'm not sure) giant clovers/shamrocks. I'd never seen anything like it before! The leaves were about an inch and a half big each! Is there such a thing as a giant clover/shamrock plant? I thought it was very cool looking! Anyways, I am very excited about tomorrow - we're going kayaking! I'll be bringing the camera along (and will keep it in the dry bag of course) and hopefully snapping a few pictures!

Until Tomorrow,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Athina,
    Sunday morning there will be something for you at my blog!
