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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 100 - April 10, 2010

So it's been 100 days of continuous blogging and photographing! I am pleased with myself that I've stuck with it so long! What better than to celebrate 100 days than with a picture of one of my favorite subjects? Flowers! These little bushes are miniature rhododendrons that we have in our front yard. They are, and have been, hanging in there since we planted them a couple of years back. They've not grown much, if at all, since we bought them, but they always bloom every year, even when I think all hope is lost! Two little fighters they are!

Until Tomorrow,



  1. I'm loving your blog Athina! It's become part of my morning routine!

  2. Thanks Michelle! It's nice to hear from people who visit my blog :)
