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Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 22 - January 22, 2010

There's nothing like spending a Friday night with some great friends at Bowl-O-Rama on the Berlin Turnpike for some bowling and karaoke! After going to the Wolfpack game, that's exactly what we did. Joanne (my super bargain bowling ball that I got at a tag sale for $2) is ready to knock some pins down here - the holes are a little small for my fingers, but hey, for $2 including the bag, I can't really complain. After one game, Carolyn and I went to see what she could win out of the claw machine. Last time, she was able to get something like 12 giant beanie babies. We were not as successful this time - just one Webkinz. Oh well. At least Joanne had a blast (and a couple of strikes too!)

Until Tomorrow,


1 comment:

  1. Check at Bowlarama, I bet they can redrill your ball for you. If not, I'll find a place that can, if you'd like
