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Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 123 - May 3, 2010

I am amazed at how fast these things grow - Eric literally mowed the lawn two days ago, and yet here is this dandelion that has grown, ready to spread it's seeds around my already weed-like lawn. Ok, so I say my lawn is weed-like because the stuff grows so fast that you can see it growing back behind Eric as he mows! It's just insane! So many people tell me that our lawn is awesome, but I'd much rather have grass that took forever to grow back. I guess the grass is always greener...or shorter in my case...on the other side. Anyways, now that we have this puffy dandelion thingy - I guess I have to make a wish! You guys make one too! Feel like sharing? I promise, it won't affect the outcome of what you wished for...

Until Tomorrow,
